Friday, August 21, 2009

Back to School 2009

It's back to school time! And I have been working hard to get my room prepared to invite my students into a wonderful learning environment. I have much more to do but, as I took these photos at the end of the day on Thursday I have tomorrow to finish up. My head is swimming with ideas, new literature, grammar programs, independent reading experiences,writing, journaling and so much more...
This is the beginning of our classroom library and resource center. It will be well used on a daily basis. The new books will fit well in the empty shelves. They'll be ready for my students to take adventures, learn of new cultures, visit places they've never been before, study a concept or topic of personal interest. The best part is I have the privilege of sharing in their discoveries.

My work space and our new elmo projector. This will allow us to do some really awesome interactive lessons.
This motivational bulletin board will be a place for students (11th graders) to set personal goals
in preparation for their ACT experience.
Our desks face each other. I find it allows for greater participation in all aspects of the learning process. I don't like traditional rows. There is much to do yet but tomorrow is another day!
My freshmen students will set personal goals every 41/2 weeks. They will be keep in the pockets on the bulletin board. We will work together to plan and put into practice what they need to do to be successful and meet their goals. Most importantly we will share the journey to achievement together!
"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn."
-John Cotton Dana

Please take a moment to visit my website at

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