Monday, March 15, 2010

A Need for Spring

The weather was cold here today. Spring just doesn't seem to want to show her face.  I am ready for renewal, a rebirth of all that is warm and green. 
The picture of these pretty flowers was taken while on a weekend outing with my sister.
Have a day filled with renewed energy.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Feeling Insignificant Today

I am sitting here at the keyboard wondering what to write, what to share, and is it even worth the time spent.  Rarely have I had a visitor and it makes me sad to think no one finds the things I talk about worth reading. I have three followers and I love that but each time I check my comments lately I get sad.
There is no one there.  I need to give this more thought and prayer.
Why do I feel so insignificant today?  Could my time be better spent?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Stuck in the Corridor

Have you ever felt like you are stuck in the corridor. It is a pathway, a guide but I feel like I can't move forward at the moment.  There are so many good things happpening, but with the good comes the bad.  I lost a friend yesterday and I am sad, angry, confused, and spinning with reflections of conversations we had, moments shared, and I just don't get life and people sometimes.  I should clarify that she has not passed away but passed through my life.  Resentment really eats holes in relationships, hearts,and I will not harbor any.  But I have no control over the choices others make. I will pray for her to find her way.
Faith and fear cannot live in the same house.
I have been reminded that as one person leaves my path another will take my hand and walk along.
It was also suggested I create a gratitude list...
I am grateful for:
my husband
a loving mother
sisters and brothers
buddy the beagle
warm memories
a creative spirit
paints and brushes
books and more books
 life long friends
my BFF Lori
letting go
my students
a career path
hot camimille tea
new bookshelves
lifelong learning
What are you grateful for today?

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Apartment Redo Continues

We started with a blank wall. Not very interesting but hopefully it will give you an idea of the dramatic transition underway.
Our Contractor Chuck and his helper Adam came on Sunday afternoon about 3pm and by 5:30 they had completed the unit and had it installed! I cannot begin to explain how absolutely excited I am.
The sorting and organizing continues!
I couldn't wait I just had to start filling the cubes. I promise to post a photo of the completed project soon.
I truely am blessed to have a Husband who supports the things I do and is always willing to do whatever it takes to achieve success.
On another note...Our daughter Amanda came to visit over the weekend and we had a delightful time.
The weekend included wonderful meals, scrabble, great conversation, the movie "Alice in Wonderland" , a little mom and daughter shopping trip (I miraculously only purchased 6 bottles of craft paint for a project I have underway), and Amanda showed me how to do a few things on our computer I needed help with.
All in all, we had a great time. I just wish all the girls were closer-I miss them daily!
Hope you had a marvelous Monday.

PS. Note to Self and my Followers- The weekly Tasha Tudar Cooking Experience will return on Sunday.
I am finally well enough to feel confident handling our family meals without giving anyone the horrible cold I had.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Apartment Redo: Day 2

Day two of the Apartment redo.
Our new (used) table and chairs arrived today. I really like it.  The wood color is warm and inviting and it gives the kitchen a whole new vibe.  A happier sit, have a cup of coffee, relax, talk, laugh, kind of vibe.

As you can see sorting and more sorting is the activity of the day!
It feels good to purge the stuff that seems to take hold and wears me down.
These are the plans for the wall unit Hubby is having built for me!  What a guy!
Who would of thought I could get so excited about shelves.
The shelves will be 13" s square making it 7 feet tall by 9 feet wide.  In addition there will be a work table attached at the center.  I can hardly wait!
Go ahead change it up.  Make it your own.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Apartment Redo

We have bagun to implement the the apartment redo.  As I shared in an earlier post it is time to recreate our spaces to better suit the life changes we are encountering. I had this hutch in my office to hold books and other items.  It now holds our everyday dishes (Fiesta Ware we inheritrd from Hubby's Mom). The cabinets that were cleared of dishes now hold items that use to live on our counters. We now have much needed space for food prep and baking. Love it! 
Today Hubby had a contractor here to measure up a wall unit for my office.  It will be 61/2' wide and 9' tall.  And be a series od cube shaped space for book storage.  And an added bonus of a 3' by 2' wide.  We're just waiting on the final estimate.
I have been busy this past weekend sorting stuff.  It always amazes me how quickly things accumulate!
Some things are going to be sold, some donated, and some stored for later use.
in time this will be an amazing environment even if it is only four rooms!
Cubicle sweet cubicle is becoming Home Sweet Home.