Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Life Eclectic

I am finally on the mend.  I haven't been this sick for this long in years. Teaching puts me in the middle of germs galore. I generally feel that my immune system is strong but the past almost three weeks proved otherwise.  My husband has been wonderful.  He cooked, andd cleaned, did laundry, and went to the grocery store and basically took care of me.  What a lucky girl I am!
I got to run a few errands after school yesterday and stopped to see one of my favorite thrift store owners who had set aside a few treasures just for me. Thanks Granny! (of "Granny's Attic")
The first of the items was this pair of vintage glove stretchers.  They were used to reshape gloves after washing them. (2.00)

The second item was this pattern. I am definately going to make this doll.
As a little girl Mary Poppins was one of my heroes.  I watched Julie Andrews adaptation so many times I couldn't possibly count.  Her disposition, her voice, and those beautiful songs...I just may have to rent it this weekend. (.25)
And the last of the treasures was a collection of artificial vegetables.  I not sure how I will use these yet but I have faith I'll figure it out!
Like this eclectic collection of goodies...so is my life.  I have learned to surrender to the moment I am in.
It may not always feel like it flows or that I even can make sense of it sometimes but if  I surrender and live the moment I am in I am always happy at the end of the day.
Gratitude is the Attitude that will provide the joy and contentment in knowing all is right.
May you have moments that make you smile today. :)

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