Button, button, who's got the button! I do! Yesterday I took a couple hours and went not to the "After Christmas Sales" but to my favorite second hand shops. With my favorite coffee in a cup-to-go I kissed hubby and headed out the door. I was at our local Salvation Army store and found a rusty tin filled with buttons. Being a sewer and a crafter this was a real find. The sweet lady working sold it to me for a $1.00! I was thrilled. Now, as you can see by the photo my treasure was a mess of dirt, pins, tacks, and other assorted sharp things along with the buttons. Not to worry! I seperated the buttons by color while using a magnet to capture the pins,needles, and assorted sharp pieces.
The old muffin tin came in handy to keep the colors seperated. After seperating them I gently washed my
little treasures and laid them out on a couple of old towels to dry overnight.
There are so many opportunities to come...embellishments, scrapbooking, sewing, quilting, and possibly some button jewelry.
I especially love the collection of white buttons- the majority are shell and glass.
For a wonderful collection of tutorials on Button Jewelry take a look at the following site:
Here's wishing you a creative day!