It's snowing today. We got about 3-4 inches and it has slowed down to flurries. I had to take a few pictures it is really very pretty.
Now I have to tell you that Buddy is waited patiently to get outside! He loves the snow. So hubby got bundled up and off they went.
Here's our silly boy after coming back in from outside. He likes to roll around on an old towel to dry himself off. He has such a proper expression he looks like he waiting for a regal introduction. Sir Buddy Boy maybe?!
Anyway, enough of that before I bore you to death.
I have been thinking allot for the past two weeks about a new word for the year and have finally come to a decision. My word for the year is "design" and here is a list of things I'd like to design...
1. a comfortable home
2. healthier relationships
3. go kayaking
4. a new food plan
5. a travel adventure
6. a YA novel
7, a business adventure tied to English and Reading
8. pass on a few nuggets of knowledge
9. walk daily
10. collect art by Jacque LaLande
11. find an old school friend- Susie
12. Christmas in Savannah
13. Revisit Cape Cod and hang out on the Beach
14. Be a better friend
15. Create a personal masterpiece
16. Grow flowers and vegetables
17. learn to knit
18. learn something new
19. visit a zoo
20. donate something to a museum
21.get the office organized
22.Write a cookbook
23. visit the Smithsonian
24. join a book club
25. drink more tea
26. Meet Mrs. Clinton
27. Read the Bible daily
28. Sort, organize, and complete Christmas projects
29. tai chi
30. take a creative writing class
31.a musical instrument-guitar maybe
32.create an art journal
33. create a Haiku journal
34. send all birthday cards on time -no more belated cards
35. Volunteer
36. be published
37. Explore an abandoned building
38. attend the longest rummage sale in the country
39. Open a resale shop
40. be published
41. Meet all my Blog friends
42. Attend a silent retreat
43. Spend more time with the girls
44. give John an unexpected gift
45. be of service to others
46. get all photos organized
47. create memory books for Emily and Amanda
48. find a fabulous dress for Emily and Brian's Wedding an extra in a film
50. find a small white table - a perfect table for my office for projects
It all begins one one simple step, one simple gesture...