Friday, April 30, 2010

Time...How Precious It Is

    My life seems to have been reduced to a juggling for time.  Now understand I am not complaining just     recognizing how precious time is and how important to LIVE it not just fill it.

I live a life filled with learning, loving, and new discoveries daily.

How wonderful it is to have tea in a pretty cup.

I embrace a softer style.

I love the seashore and the gifts it leaves for us.

Translucent color that highlights the reflected light within our home.

This photo is cloudy but it looks like a field full of tiny white blooms.

Treasures that make me smile and inspires creativity.

Grandma's thimble...How many garments did she sew in her lifetime? Thousands I suspect!

The elegance of coffee, a bit of dessert, my favorite book of the moment, and hubby sharing a few relaxing moments.

Just for today I will Thank God for all the gifts I have received.
Have a wonderful weekend filled with living fully.


Katharyn said...

Just today?

I start everyday at work with an IM to my coworkers "I'm happy today because...".

Just as there is always sometime to be happy about, there is always something to be thankful for.

Diane said...

Hi Kathy,
What a wonderful way to greet the day and those that are important to you. Gratitude always leads me to contentment.
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