I had questioned so many things in my life and know that it is okay to question but far better to embrace faith. I have been blessed with the opportunity to go back to school and study to recieve my masters. When finished with my program I will have a Reading Specialists degree. I hope to continue teaching and put more energy in my writing. I continue to work on a website for students and parents focused on Reading and Language Arts. I hope to provide a comprehensive site that will assist traditional and homeschool students.
These are big goals but I know that if I take it one day ata time, one step at a time I will be guided to the realization of each of the paths layed out before me.
Inspiration comes in so many forms and the willingness to go forward comes from a strong belief that if a task is worthwhile it can be accomplished.
So for today I will embrace life and each moment of inspiration as a gift.
Have a day filled with the joy in your own inspirations revealed and realized through your personal journey.
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