Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Amanda's New Digs-Day Two of "Girl's Week"

    The next leg of my "Girl's Week" journey was to visit daughter Amanda and see her new digs.
She recently accepted a new position with the Marshfield Clinic and has had to make a quick move.
So she has moved into an efficiency apartment in town. It is on the second floor and is adorable.

A picture of the Marshfield clinic; Amanda's new employer.

We had a great time and did a lot in a few days.  We shopped the second hand stores,
had some wonderful meals together, played at the farmers market, and just explored the city she is now calling home.

These sculptures greet you when you enter the city.
These wonderful creatures are all made of recycled metals.

This last picture is of a mural dedicated to all our soldiers and veterans.

Our time together was fabulous and it put my fears to rest. You see when she told us about the apartment she had found I had visions of a dirty, disparaging downtown area and I feared she would not be comfortable or safe, God has been good to her. The new environment is clean, active, and safe. Amanda can walk to shops, restaurants, and coffee houses.  She is only minutes from work and now has time to shop for an apartment that will become a long term commitment. Our little girl has grown up and is doing what she always dreamed of doing.  She is a pediatric social worker being of service to infants in need and their families. We are so proud!
With that I am on my way to my next stop...daughter Emily's and Brian's.


Katharyn said...

I love the creatures.

Diane said...

This artist does amazing work with junk!